Why Long-Term Unmarried Relationships Should Have An Estate Plan

Estate planning for unmarried long-term partners is essential for legal protection, clarity in asset distribution, and ensuring the security and wishes of both individuals are upheld. Couples like Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell recently made headlines when they explained why they never married. Estate planning is crucial for unmarried long-term partners,...

Why Long-Term Unmarried Relationships Should Have An Estate Plan Continue reading…

Practical Considerations to Include Your “Digital Footprint” In Your Estate Plan

Our “'digital footprint” encompasses everything from social media profiles and email accounts to photos and videos, as well as online banking information. As we navigate through the digital age, the importance of incorporating these virtual elements into estate planning has become increasingly apparent. Just as we plan for the distribution of...

Practical Considerations to Include Your “Digital Footprint” In Your Estate Plan Continue reading…